« The partnership model is an initiative that combines the collective provision of open access infrastructure services with market-like mechanisms for efficient resource management. »

Crow, Raym, “Sustainability of Open Access Services, Phase 3: The Collective Provision of Open Access Resources”, Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition. 2013


By becoming partners, research libraries support fair open access dissemination for all, in a concrete way. They directly contribute to the rise of digital humanities by helping to increase research perspectives in HSS and in arts and letters. 

Partner libraries gain access to the articles of journals that are currently in transition toward open access (12-month moving wall) as well as to the plain text of the Érudit corpus, for text and data mining purposes.


partnership principles

1- A funding model tailored to the economic reality of research libraries

visuel - partenariat.png

The Partnership for Open Access principle is simple: the more there are partners, the more widely each partner's contribution will be distributed.


2 - 100% of the Partnership revenues redistributed to journals

The libraries' contribution is allocated in the following way: 

Helps fund journals' editorial activities

70 %

Finances journals' dissemination and preservation services

30 %


3- A representative, cooperative, open, and transparent model. 


Library consortia can elect a representative to attend the annual virtual assembly where new journals and project milestones will be presented.

open access in hss and in arts and letters

Open access dissemination allows access to scientific publications without a paywall. It ensures the circulation of knowledge within research communities as well as throughout society. A dissemination practice known to be essential in order to safeguard a dynamic and innovative scholarly publishing ecosystem, open access is supported by a growing amount of institutions and states worldwide. 

However, although it is now proven that open access significantly increases scholarly articles' influence and outreach, the same cannot yet be said for journals' financial viability, namely in HSS and in arts and letters. While the STM sector (science, technology, and medecine) has widely embraced the article processing charge model (APC), the funding structure for research in HSS and arts and letters does not allow journals to charge publication fees to authors.

The partnership model aims to offset the loss of library subscription revenues through direct and continuous funding of the journals' publishing activities as they transition to open access.  

further reading